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Seller shipped lifters in an envelope, after they were damaged refuses to refund
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Buyer danhr (18)
scammer, tried to set up a scam with another member SteelCity6 to try and get $!
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Seller Martin718 (14)
09-04-2009, 10:36 PM
Seller sold me a set of Comp Solid Roller lifters that were "brand new in the box". He shipped them in a plain envelope, and were of course damaged during shipment. I told the seller about this and requested a refund, and even offered to pay for shipping back to him. The seller refused and said the only way he was going to send me anything is if I first sent him back the lifters.

I told him that I would be more than happy to personally send them to comp cams, have them check them out, and send him a copy of the invoice from them, but again he refused and said that he wants to do it himself.

I am very skeptical of doing that because then I would lose the half of the lifters that weren't damaged.

09-11-2009, 05:10 PM
item was shipped in a material handling envelope from the post office, when the buyer recieved the lifters they demanded a refund right off the bat, i asked to see pictures of the "damaged" lifters and ect. he never sent a single picture so why would i just hand over $350 because someone "says" they are damaged? I simply told him that i am not going to just hand over that kind of money without some type of proof. After that i told him that if he sends the lifters to comp they will check them for free, if they came out to be damaged then i would cover shipping cost and i would have them replaced, he wanted me to send him money for shipping and then said if they were bad that i would have to pay for the lifters through one of his suppliers, thats not how this works, i believe the man bought something not knowing exactly what the were because alot of people dont run solid lifters, i provided the man with pictures and part numbers so he would have all the info on them BEFORE he paid for them. Well after he desided that he didnt wanna work with me he filed a claim on paypal and then within 10 min escalated it or whatever they call it but since it was shipped out paypal dropped the case. After this point i receive a post on another thread i have for a trans for sale, it read something like
"interested in trading for a 6 speed trans? reply with PM"
Well i noticed the guys scream name was Steel City6 which is a town and name for the state of PA and what do you know this Dan guy happens to be from PA so i play along and write him in a PM saying im interested in trading, well the SteelCity6 replies back saying they will send me the 6 speed in a crate then i send my auto back BUT they want some boot... $400... (HMMM, THATS AWFUL CLOSE TOO THE $350 DAN WAS TRYING TO GET FROM ME) well after this PM i do a little more research, this SteelCity6 character has 0 trader rating and happens to be Dans ONLY friend on Tech.... so after i see all this i write SteelCity6 back informing him of the information i have and let him know that what he just did was a setup for a scam!!
Further leading me to believe that this Dan guy screwed up and now im stuck with the bad rating when ive NEVER had an issue with anyone or any parts that ive sold which was around 5 in the past 3 weeks.


09-11-2009, 05:36 PM
Well let's see... what other items have I bought?


yeah ummm an lq4 block with a solid roller cam in it. yeah i'm pretty sure these are the right lifters. You also said the lifters were pefectly fine and they won't domage my motor, without seeing pictures of the damage on them. Why the hell would I send you pictures to you, if you already have a retarded/biased opinion about the item? I said I would be more than happy to send them to comp cam to have them checked out, but for you to pay for shipping as a deposit, as a show of good faith. I also told you that if they came back fine then I would refund you the price of shipping them to comp, because it would clearly be my fault, due to my own paranoia. You declined and said that I would have to send them to you and you would ship them to comp. That makes no sense. Not only does it mean shipping has to be paid twice, but how do I know if you are sending the original lifters to comp, and not another set of lifters? You could send another set to them, they said they are fine, and then you would return my junk ones. Sorry... I wasn't born yesterday.

and yes, I filed a claim and escalated it right after. because what's the purpose of a claim? to try to get the buyer/seller to come to terms. that was already attempted before the claim was made.

and yes. not going to deny it. I tried to get my money back, because right now I'm out money and have a junk set of lifters. paypal is of course useless and the seller has no integrity what so ever, as he feels no urge to rectify the situation.

09-11-2009, 05:49 PM
On a small additional note... the reason why I SUGGESTED me buying the lifters and martin reimbursing me is because I have a friend that is a dealer for comp and can get them at whole sale. I was trying to be a nice guy and was trying to save martin a few bucks. Define irony.....

09-11-2009, 05:53 PM
All you had too do was send them to comp to have them checked out, instead you tried to scam me out of 400dollars, so damn straight im not working with you! I would have had the lifters replaced myself, i have nothing further to say on any of this, you trying to scam me is not working with me nor trying to be a "nice guy" so stop wasting my time!!

09-11-2009, 05:59 PM
Bull****. I was more than willing to ship them out to Comp and have the individual lifters replaced (if they are even damaged that far), all I wanted was a measly $20 show of good faith (that I said I would reimburse if I was wrong). Not even the full set. You wanted me to send them back to you. What would stop you from keeping the lifters and the money. For all I know the lifters were damaged some time between the pictures being taken and you shipping them. The fact that you weren't willing to work with me after you clearly made a mistake by poorly packing them, is quite suspicious

09-11-2009, 06:04 PM
your so full of it, the picture was takin with a cell so it showed the time and date!! and now your trying to say that because i said if you sent them back and they came back bad that i was acting suspicous?! wow do you realize the crap thats coming out of your mouth? first im in the wrong cause you said i wouldnt work with you but now your saying im suspicous because i said if something was wrong and proved by comp id take care of it?! Make up your mind! its a lose lose situation with what your saying!! Im not exchanging a peeny with you after you tried scamming me so you might as well forget it!!

09-11-2009, 06:16 PM
your so full of it, the picture was takin with a cell so it showed the time and date!!

How do i know you didn't drop them on the way to shipping them? How do I know that you didn't drop something on them after the picture was taken?

and now your trying to say that because i said if you sent them back and they came back bad that i was acting suspicous?!

No I said it is suspicious that you want me to send them to YOU, not COMP CAMS.

first im in the wrong cause you said i wouldnt work with you but now your saying im suspicous because i said if something was wrong and proved by comp id take care of it?!

No, I said it's suspicious that you want me to send it back to you (while you keep the money) and not have me send it to comp cams. I don't feel comfortable with you having both the lifters and the money with me having no collateral and sitting on just your word that you will fix the situation

Make up your mind!

actually I thought i was being pretty straight forward... i think you have a problem understanding what I'm saying or you're just being stubborn

its a lose lose situation with what your saying!!

Explain how

Im not exchanging a peeny with you after you tried scamming me so you might as well forget it!!

damn straight, I tried to get my money back because I recieved, what I believe to be damaged goods. The fact you weren't willing to work with me before and not now should raise more eyebrows on who the true scammer is here.

09-11-2009, 06:21 PM
One last idea


I'll give this one last shot, because since you decided to bring up my negative feedback thread, it gave me an idea.

What if I gave the lifters to a SUPPORTING VENDOR of this site, and had them ship the lifters to comp cam to get checked out. and have them fax/e-mail the results to both of us. so we both know that the other isn't lying

If any of the lifters are damaged to an extent that they can not be used, they will be replaced individually (as comp sells them individually as well). I will still get my friend to see how much it would cost him to get them (he is a dealer through motorstate). You can choose to either reimburse me at whatever that cost is, or replace the lifters through your own source, whatever that may be.

If they all check out fine, I will remove my negative rating and delete my thread.

If they are damaged, and you reimburse/replace the lifters, I again, will remove my negative rating and delete my thread.

09-11-2009, 06:23 PM
Dude i am not going to keep argueng back and fourth with you over LS1 tech, i have a life and better things to do, i had a perfect rating before your little scam. I have sold all used parts and never had one single compliant. You get brand new parts and try and scam me out of 400 dollars!! so let me guess if i would have went along with your little transmission scam were you gonna send me 50 bucks back since i sold you the lifteres for 350?! i think not! why and the hellk would i even consider wanting to work with you any further when you tried to scam me out of more money than was ever even exchanged?! was the extra 50 bucks for you like a "nice guy" incentive?! dude seriously its a done deal, you tried to scam me, thats where i draw the line! End of conversation!

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