09-08-2012, 06:50 AM
This seller tells me a price he wants for his parts.

I pay him.

Then 3rd party is also interested in the parts after the fact
that they are already agreed and sold to me.

So seller backs out of the deal and returns my money

Very unprofessional person to deal with or buy parts from.

09-08-2012, 11:57 AM
Funny how you leave the MAIN parts of the story out.

You asked, "How much for the taillights?"

I gave you a price.

You then pay me and put in the text on paypal, "For the 3 piece taillight set." and then tell me that im to send you the 3 piece set. I sent you back a message saying that you did not mention that you wanted the center TA piece also.

To which you irately replied, "??? If it doesnt come with it or you dont want to sell it, refund my money."

So I did... now you give me negative feedback??

On top of that I also gave you SPECIFIC instructions for pay with paypal that you ignored completely, because my prices did not include the payment through paypal.

I did everything you asked, replied to all of youre pms, even getting 5-6 of them a minute apart all about different things instead of putting them all into one.

Please do not PM me for parts ever again. Have a great weekend.

09-08-2012, 12:09 PM
He purchased a set of taillights from me, then demands that I include the Center TA filler piece for free. When I question him about it he gets irate and says to send his money back. I immediately return his money and he gives me a negative feedback!!!

What a Joke. Apparently when people dont let him push them around his only resolve is to stomp his feet, flail his arms in the air (like my 4yr old nephew) till he gets red in the face, then he gets on the computer and sends negative feedback! HAHA.

Id love to see this guy go livid at the grocery store! "I bought hot dogs, what do you mean the buns arent free?!?!... Who would eat hot dogs without buns!!!!?!?! GIVE THEM TO ME NOW, or ill put negative feedback on your store rating online.

Dont PM me for anymore parts.

Good luck in life brotha. Hope you have a great weekend.

09-08-2012, 01:32 PM
Re: Ta parting out


All money was refunded.


Originally Posted by 69TA
why would I buy just the 2 end pieces.

yeah if that's the case and it's not included or you don't you want to sell it

just refund back the money that I sent
and send the cluster out.


Originally Posted by xxrillixx
You never said anything about the center piece.


Originally Posted by 69TA
OK money sent for the
3 Piece WS6 tail light assemblies.

Please do what ever it takes to make sure they get here in good condition, with no scratches or cracks or breaks, ect.

Wrap them in bubble wrap as well as the guage set up. And seperate or partion anything sharp so nothing is poking into one another.

please handle with care
on the outside of the box

And for last measure please
also insure everything for like $400.

Thank you so much for your help.

Send all the parts to:
note original
name and address deleted
from original post for privacy

Originally Posted by xxrillixx
Yes, they are.


Originally Posted by 69TA
Are the tail lights mint
No scratches, cracks

If they mint i will take them

Originally Posted by xxrillixx
Sold. Sorry.


Originally Posted by 69TA
What happened to the rims from the black TA

How much for them?
Are the tires any good?

Originally Posted by xxrillixx
I could do $265... as it is still going to make the package quite a bit bigger. I think i charged ya $15 for the cluster, so +$10 is $25. It'll still probably be closer to $30-35.


Originally Posted by 69TA
can you do $250 shipped for the set
and send them up with the guage?

Originally Posted by xxrillixx
Looking for 150 shipped each or 275 shipped for the set. Off the black 01 Ws6 w/ 59k miles.


Originally Posted by 69TA
Money sent for the guages,
please wrap them in bubble wrap to keep the lens from getting cracked or scratched.

Let me know what you want for the tail lights?

Originally Posted by xxrillixx
Originally Posted by 69TA
Did you sell the motor and t55
How much for it

Sold the motor and t56.


All the above was cut and pasted from our messages.
So what are you talking about flailing arms and getting red in face about getting my way.

Are you on drugs or imagining conversations that never existed?

09-08-2012, 01:37 PM
You can also read your own words from your own pm's

Originally Posted by xxrillixx
Looking for 150 shipped each or 275 shipped for the set. Off the black 01 Ws6 w/ 59k miles.


You showed a picture off a black 01 Ws6 TA and referred to the tail lights
as a set. A set is considered all three pieces = set of tail lights. Not a pair of end pieces...besides you showed the set not a pair sitting by themselves and then called them a set. What ever dude, your the one that is flailing arms and getting red in the face.

09-08-2012, 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by 69TA

You have some real issues you need to work out with yourself.

I noticed that you were parting out some clean low miles TA's and asked about buying a bunch of parts from you.

So I inquired about buying the engine, trans, wheels, door panels, tail lights and guages.

I don't know where you get off blowing me off after I paid you money for parts after we agreed on a ship to price.

I also don't know where you get off saying that I got all irrate and demanded this, that and the other thing.

I have a copy of all our messages. I treated you like a gentleman every single time we spoke.

You listed, shown pictures and referred to the tail lights as a set. And quoted a price as a set. You didn't call them a pair not once until after I paid you the agreed $265 shipped price.

Then I get a PM with you saying that the center piece is not included.

My reply was
meaning what do you mean
then I said I thought it was included
you said not it's not
I said that's fine, just refund me the money and
send the guages.

I only posted a negative trading rating for you.
After I saw that someone else was wanting the guages and the 3rd brake light. And after the fact that you didn't even give a reasonable explanation for your actions.


You asked for a refund. You got it. Same day. What is your issue? Your not a customer... why are you leaving feedback?

Yes the picture was of a black TA. So because the lights are attached to the TA Does that mean the TA come with the taillights?!

A set... correct. 2 taillights. How would you say 2 taillights?? Does it say it includes the TA Filler piece?? No. If you thought it did, I appologise for the missunderstand, but that DOES NOT warrant negative feedback. Therefore you are acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum... IE stomping your feet, flailing your hands till your red in the face.

09-08-2012, 02:21 PM
Besides being a shady business person
you also don't know how to read.

Originally Posted by 69TA
just refund back the money that I sent
and send the cluster out.

You are just mad that I saw what you did on the guages and called you
out for it and you couldn't even man up to saying the truth.

That you probably got more money for something that you already
previously sold earlier.

The money I paid for the guages at $75 shipped. They were sent and
paid for so technically and legally the guages were mine at that point.
You just didn't ship them out yet.

So yes it was wrong of you to go sell them to someone else.

And what happened with the tail lights, you know was BS.
You couldn't even or have the balls to explain yourself on that one.
Go look at your own PM's and listed, you referred to them as a set.
A set of WS6 tail lights means all 3 pieces. Not a pair of left and right
tail lamps. Nor did you show a picture of just 2 end pieces.
Trust me you part and sell enough of these cars to know I know what time it is and what you did.

And once I paid for parts that you agreed to on a price
Yes that does make me a customer.

09-08-2012, 02:24 PM
I don't know what mean by throwing a temper tantrum
I didn't throw a tantrum.

I sent you an earlier pm's asking for an explanation to what you did
and you totally blew me off.

That is why you got a negative feedback.

09-08-2012, 02:34 PM
What are you talking about??? The cluster is still sitting in my garage... UNSOLD.

I honestly wish we could have reached a positive conclusion. Some people are just impossible to deal with.

Im not replying to any more of your posts, pms or feedback ratings.

09-08-2012, 03:04 PM
What ever dude

My transaction history did not get as high
as is did by being impossible to deal with.

You are the one that is acting wierd
You are hiding or up to something and you know it.

Guy you need to grow up and mature a little
especially since you are running a business
of parting out these cars.

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